CaSPAQ was formed in 1996 as the Association of Catholic Secondary Schools of Queensland (APCSSQ) to bring together systemic and Order-owned Catholic colleges to discuss issues of common concern and to present a united view to the education community. At that time APCSSQ was affiliated to APCSSA, the national body representing Catholic secondary school principals across Australia.
In 2007 APCSSA changed its name to Catholic Secondary Principals Australia (CaSPA) and later that year APCSSQ also changed its name to Catholic Secondary Principals Association of Queensland (CaSPAQ). Subsequently, both the National and State Associations became incorporated.
CaSPAQ is the Queensland State Branch of CaSPA , the national body, now based in Canberra. All Queensland Catholic secondary schools, represented by their principals, are members of CaSPAQ. CaSPA interacts with the Federal Government on all educational policy affecting Catholic Secondary schools across the country.
CaSPAQ has 88 member schools in the 5 Dioceses of Queensland – Cairns, Townsville, Rockhampton, Toowoomba and the Brisbane Archdiocese. Archdiocesan Principals are employed by Brisbane Catholic Education or the various Religious Institutes. Archdiocesan Principals also belong to BACSSPA (Brisbane Archdiocesan Catholic Secondary School Principals Association).
The aims of the Association are guided fundamentally by the desire to enhance and promote the Principal-ship as a position of leadership, responsibility and significance in Catholic Education, in the wider education circles and in the community generally. The stated aims include:
To promote the interests of Catholic Education in the State of Queensland.
To provide a structure in which Principals may lend support to members in their work. To this end it is a forum for sharing the problems and concerns which are part of the Principals’ role, and also for exchanging ideas on education and management which will be of benefit to the members.
To conduct meetings and conferences for its members,
To encourage professional development of members.
To gain representation on policy making bodies which impact on education.
To be proactive and reactive to changing educational philosophies and processes.
To foster the dissemination of information and opinion on educational issues.
To serve when requested as a consultative body to the Bishops of Queensland, Catholic Education Authorities and other State or national education bodies.
To maintain close contact with its counterparts in the State and Independent school sectors, seeking discussion with these bodies on critical issues affecting education in Queensland.
CaSPAQ's Management Committee usually has 12 members - President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, a member representing the schools in each of the 6 groupings, plus 2 more. These latter 2 can come from any school, with the proviso that a general proportional balance is maintained between the 6 regions. Contact information for current members of the Management Committee and the regional representatives can be accessed from the “Who We Are” section of this Website.
Each of the 6 groupings has a representative on the committee. These 6 principals are the lynch pin for communication between Principals at the coalface and the Management Committee. The Committee’s goal is to achieve efficient and effective two-way communication between it and the members, so as to arrive at better outcomes for school communities.
CaSPAQ Management Committee meets 4 times a year, once at the State or National conference, with the other 3 meetings held in Brisbane during each of the remaining 3 school terms.
CaSPA, the national body, has an Office in Canberra along with the other 3 peak Australian Principals’ Associations and runs a national conference each second year ( rotating through the States and Territories ) while CaSPAQ runs a State conference every other year ( rotating through the 5 Dioceses ).
CaSPA needs to be funded as does CaSPAQ, if both are to achieve their goals. The account for the yearly subscription levy to both Associations reaches each school around May or June.